(C) 1998-2012 - Luca Deri  
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Network Interface(s)
NameDeviceTypeSpeedSampling RateMTUHeaderAddressIPv6 Addresses
eth0 Change nameeth0Ethernet  015141487.98.168.124 
sFlow-device.2sFlow-device.2Ethernet  11514140.0.0.0 
Local Domain Namemonodosis.com 
Capturing SinceSat Feb 3 09:15:14 2024 [148 days 19:05:38]
Hosts[55 active ] [126 total ]
Active Sessions129 [Max: 8288]
Dropped (libpcap)0.0%14,946
Dropped (ntop)0.0%0
Total Received (ntop)414,013,505
Total Packets Processed395,835,037
Shortest42 bytes
Average Size181 bytes
Longest65,226 bytes
Size <= 64 bytes13.3%52,478,657
64 < Size <= 128 bytes50.2%198,665,331
128 < Size <= 256 bytes5.1%20,370,189
256 < Size <= 512 bytes3.4%13,571,056
512 < Size <= 1024 bytes3.0%11,713,990
1024 < Size <= 1518 bytes6.9%27,185,665
Size > 1518 bytes22.7%90,028,617
Packets too long [> 1514]22.7%90,042,331
Total442.2 GBytes [395,835,037 Pkts]
IPv4 Traffic194.8 GBytes [395,812,306 Pkts]
Fragmented IPv4 Traffic3.4 MBytes [0.0%]
Non IPv4 Traffic247.4 GBytes
Average TTL69
TTL <= 320.7%2,860,029
32 < TTL <= 6479.3%314,089,680
64 < TTL <= 960.1%469,542
96 < TTL <= 12813.1%51,958,528
128 < TTL <= 1600.0%49,440
160 < TTL <= 1920.0%1,043
192 < TTL <= 2240.0%44,152
224 < TTL <= 2566.7%26,339,892
Remote Hosts Distance
Network Load
Actual777.7 Kbit/s86.4 Pkt/s
Last Minute781.1 Kbit/s86.4 Pkt/s
Last 5 Minutes548.5 Kbit/s67.8 Pkt/s
Peak354.4 Mbit/s7976.7 Pkt/s
Average295.5 Kbit/s30.8 Pkt/s
Historical Data [ View rrd charts of historical data for this interface ]

L2/L3 ProtocolDataPercentage
IP194.8 GBytes44.1%
TCP190.5 GBytes 97.8%


UDP4.7 GBytes 2.4%


ICMP593.3 MBytes 0.3% 
ICMPv66.8 MBytes 0.0% 
Other IP206.5 KBytes 0.0% 
(R)ARP1021.1 KBytes 0.0% 
IPsec49.6 KBytes 0.0% 
IPv6988.1 MBytes 0.2% 

Application ProtocolDataPercentage
Unknown19.4 GBytes 4.4% 


FTP32.7 MBytes 0.0% 


Mail_POP343.0 GBytes 77.8% 


Mail_SMTP5.2 GBytes 1.2% 


Mail_IMAP14.3 GBytes 3.2% 


DNS336.2 KBytes 0.0% 


IPP32.2 GBytes 7.3% 


HTTP258.6 MBytes 0.1% 


MDNS38.5 KBytes 0.0% 


NTP16.2 MBytes 0.0% 


NETBIOS6.1 MBytes 0.0% 


NFS13.7 MBytes 0.0% 


SSDP25.4 GBytes 5.8% 


BGP6.2 MBytes 0.0% 


SNMP2.5 MBytes 0.0% 


XDMCP1.9 MBytes 0.0% 


SMB19.7 MBytes 0.0% 


SYSLOG15.7 MBytes 0.0% 


Bittorrent69.2 KBytes 0.0% 


Jabber2.1 KBytes 0.0% 
STUN24.1 KBytes 0.0% 


GRE47.6 KBytes 0.0% 


RDP1.3 MBytes 0.0% 


PCAnywhere28.4 KBytes 0.0% 


SSL35.8 MBytes 0.0% 


MGCP3.2 KBytes 0.0% 
AFP2.5 KBytes 0.0% 


SIP4.2 MBytes 0.0% 


Kerberos4.3 KBytes 0.0% 


LDAP5.0 KBytes 0.0% 


PPTP12.5 KBytes 0.0% 


Skype870.7 MBytes 0.2% 


HTTP Connect424.0 KBytes 0.0% 


Radius45.8 KBytes 0.0% 


Aggregated View