(C) 1998-2012 - Luca Deri  
Please enable make sure that the ntop html/ directory is properly installed



ntop RRD Preferences

You must restart the rrd plugin for changes here to take affect.

ItemDescription and Notes
Graph Size
Set the size of RRD graphs generated by ntop
Dump Interval
Specifies how often data is stored permanently.
Throughput Granularity seconds
Specifies how often throughput data is stored permanently.

Note: if you change this value the throughput stats will be reset and past values will be lost. You've been warned!

The heartbeat specifies the maximum amount of time between two RRD updates. In a nutshell every 'dump interval' seconds, ntop starts updating rrds. ntop must complete the update within 'dump interval' * heartbeat seconds. If not, even if an update arrives the value is considered unknown and you will see holes in your graph. Expecially on large networks with many rrds to save, this update process can take a lot of time. In this cases you must use large heartbeat values, in order to guarantee that the updates will happen within the specified boundaries.

Note: heartbeat is a multiplier of the 'dump interval' and not an absolute value.

Dump Hours hours
Specifies how many hours of 'interval' data is stored permanently.
Dump Days days
Specifies how many days of hourly data is stored permanently.
Dump Months months
Specifies how many months (30 days) of daily data is stored permanently.
WARNING: Changes to the above values will ONLY affect NEW rrds
RRDcached Path
Example: unix:/tmp/rrdd.sock.
It specifies how to connect ntop to the rrdcached daemon. Format:
  • unix:</path/to/unix.sock>
  • /<path/to/unix.sock>
  • <hostname-or-ip>
  • [<hostname-or-ip>]:<port>
  • <hostname-or-ipv4>:<port>
The rrdcached needs to be already active prior to start ntop. Its usage greatly enhances the update process and overloads ntop from RRD file update. Please note that the use of rrdcached might introduce some little delay (see -w parameter of rrdcached).
RRD Update Delay msec
Specifies how many ms to wait between two consecutive RRD updates. Increase this value to distribute RRD load on I/O over the time.
Note that a combination of large delays and many RRDs to update can slow down the RRD plugin performance.
This parameter is ignored when rrdcached is used.
Data to Dump Internet Domains
RRD DetailLow Medium Full
Detect AnomaliesYes No
Toggle RRD Aberrant Behavior support
RRD Files Path
Normal RRDs:
Dynamic/Volatile RRDs:


  • Dynamic/volatile RRDs are those such as throughput RRDs that change very frequently and that some users might want to save onto a separate directory (e.g. on a ramdisk). Normal RRDs are all the other RRDs.
  • The rrd files will be in a subdirectory structure, e.g. /var/lib/ntop/rrd/interfaces/interface-name/12/239/98/199/xxxxx.rrd to limit the number of files per subdirectory.
  • Do not use the ':' character in the path as it is forbidded by rrd
File/Directory Permissions
  • Private - means that ONLY the ntop userid will be able to view the files
  • Group - means that all users in the same group as the ntop userid will be able to view the rrd files.
    (this is a bad choice if ntop's group is 'nobody' along with many other service ids)
  • Everyone - means that everyone on the ntop host system will be able to view the rrd files.

WARNING: Changing this setting affects only new files and directories! Unless you go back and fixup existing file and directory permissions:
  • Users will retain access to any rrd file or directory they currently have access to even if you change to a more restrictive setting.
  • Users will not gain access to any rrd file or directory they currently do not have access to even if you change to a less restrictive setting. Further, existing directory permissions may prevent them from reading new files created in existing directories.



 RRDtool was created by Tobi Oetiker   [ Back to plugins ]