(C) 1998-2012 - Luca Deri  
Please enable make sure that the ntop html/ directory is properly installed



Arbitrary RRD Actions

This allows you to see and/or create a graph of an arbitrary rrd file.

Action  Create the graph - this is returned as a png file and will display ONLY the graph, without any html headings.
 Display the url to request the graph
 Retrieve rrd data in table form
 Retrieve rrd data as CSV

Note: The drop down list shows all possible files - many (most) (all) of which may not be available for a specific host. Further, the list is based on the -p | --protocols parameter of this ntop run and may not include files created during ntop runs with other -p | --protocols parameter settings.

Interface sFlow-device.2
Host IP address   Leave blank to create a per-interface graph.

A note about time specification: You may specify time in a number of ways - please see "AT-STYLE TIME SPECIFICATION" in the rrdfetch man page for the full details. Here are some examples:

  • Specific values: Most common formats are understood, including numerical and character date formats, such as Oct 12 - October 12th of the current year, 10/12/2005, etc.
  • Relative time: now-1d (now minus one day) Several time units can be combined together, such as -5mon1w2d
  • Seconds since epoch: 1110286800 (this specific value is equivalent to Tue 08 Mar 2005 07:00:00 AM CST

Don't bother trying to break these - we just pass it through to rrdtool. If you want to play, there are a thousand lines in parsetime.c just waiting for you.

A note about RRD files: You may remember that the rrd file contains data stored at different resolutions - for ntop this is typically every 5 minutes, hourly, and daily. rrdfetch automatically picks the RRA (Round-Robin Archive) which provides the 'best' coverage of the time span you request. Thus, if you request a start time which is before the number of 5 minute samples stored in RRA[0], you will 'magically' see the data from RRA[1], the hourly samples. Other than changing the start/end times, there is no way to force rrdfetch to select a specific RRA.

Two notes for the fetch options:

Counter values are normalized to per-second rates. To get the (approximate) value of a counter for the entire interval, you need to multipy the per-second rate by the number of seconds in the interval (this is the step, reported at the bottom of the output page).

If start time is left blank, the default is --start end-1d. To force a dump from the earliest detail point in the rrd, use the special value 0.

For graphs only
This is the 'name' of the counter being displayed, e.g. eth1 Mail bytes. It appears at the bottom left as the legend for the colored bars
(optional) Title to appear above the graph


 RRDtool was created by Tobi Oetiker   [ Back to plugins ]